food and stories.

food and stories.

i had grown fond of someone
who has later turned out to be
a narcissistic piece of shit.

oh the casual disrespect on boundaries...

the attempts to turn a story around,
to make another (my sister) feel guilty to aggrandise himself,
to shift the blame onto someone else,
to play the victim.

the passive aggressiveness of the apologies,
and the unwillingness to atone.

i've had my fair share of toxic relationships.
and i too fight a constant battle with myself,
that is why i know.

that is why even from miles away,
i can smell his shit.


until he sees his toxicity,
i hope he stays miles away
from my sister and me.

on a lighter note...
this carrot and chickpea curry
smelt and tasted divine. 

too grumpy and famished to take more photos.
but here...

🥢 olive oil
🥢 white onions, loads!
🥢 butter
🥢 milk, loads too!
🥢 golden curry curry cubes (1)
🥢 tinned chickpeas
🥢 carrots
🥢 water
